The following resources are intended to help with proper space planning at UNT. If you have a question for us or cannot find a needed resource, please email us at
UNT Campus Map
Map of Campus Buildings and Parking Lots.
UNT Policies
List of all UNT Policies.
UNT System Policies
List of all UNT System Policies.
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB)
Home page for the THECB.
Space Usage Efficiency (SUE) Classroom & Class Lab Manual (THECB)
Explains the criteria and algorithm used by the THECB in calculating Demand, Utilization,
and Percent Fill for classrooms and class laboratories for Texas institutions.
Space Usage Efficiency (SUE) Calculation Cheat Sheet
Summary of metrics used in calculating classroom and class laboratory utilization
Space Projection Model and Manual (THECB)
Explains the criteria and algorithm used by the THECB in calculating institutional
space needs in Teaching, Library, Research, Office, and Support spaces.
Facilities Inventory of Texas Institutions (THECB)
Search tool used to view building and room information for higher education institutions
in the state of Texas.
Appendices to CBM Reporting Manuals (THECB)
Explanation of required codes (space use, function, etc.) and classifications (instructional
program codes – CIP) used in completing CBM reports and the annual Space Survey.
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Codes
A taxonomic scheme for secondary and postsecondary instructional programs. The CIP
is the accepted federal and State statistical standard used in coding instructional
program classifications.
Construction Cost Standards 2017-2023 (THECB)
Summary of new construction and renovation costs per square foot outlined by the THECB
to be used as a guide in determining rough cost. Summary is broken down by facility
type for laboratories, offices, classrooms, and other areas.
Construction Cost Calculator (THECB)
THECB worksheet to assist in calculating new construction or renovation cost for rough
estimating purposes. To be used in tandem with the THECB
Federal Research Regulations
Federal code and acquisition regulations, NIH and NSF resources, Cost Principles (OMB
Circular A21), and Administrative Requirements for grants (OMB Circular A110).