It is important to keep our UNT community updated on our projects or news that impacts campus. For the most up-to-date information, please follow us on Facebook, Instagram or X (Twitter).

Spring + Summer 2025

Spring 2025 construction overview

There are several projects planned or underway during spring 2025 at the University of North Texas. This page is intended as a general guide for UNT community members. We have compiled a summary of all the need-to-know information regarding construction and detours around campus.

Fall + Winter 2024

Winter Break planned electrical outages

Be aware that Winter Break electric outages are coming again this year. When the campus is closed for the break, most buildings are shut down and kept at a lower temperature to conserve electricity while they are largely unoccupied. However, on three days during the break, planned power outages will occur in certain buildings so UNT Facilities can perform annual maintenance. Learn more about the buildings that will be affected.

GIS parking map goes live

Our Geographic Information System (or GIS) team here at Facilities recently collaborated with our Parking and Transportation Department to create a live map of all of UNT's parking lots! This extremely helpful tool was a dedicated effort by many of our staff, including student worker Yoshua Maya - read his experience co-creating the map here!

Construction projects summary for your first week of classes
With the fall semester about to begin, you may notice a lot of ongoing construction projects around campus. We have compiled a summary of all the need-to-know information regarding construction and detours around UNT's campus. A more detailed view is also available under our "Construction" tab.

Spring + Summer 2024

Construction projects continue around campus

This summer, several major construction projects will be starting around campus, and we will be keeping you updated about all of them! The major projects are: The City is closing portions of Ave D, Chestnut, and Central Ave this summer, concluding in August. Additionally, a portion of Ave C will be closed for road reconstruction until November. And although this will not impact roads, Atmos is installing new gas lines along Welch St and areas to the east of Welch this summer, which may cause temporary closures of sidewalks and crosswalks, and conclude in August. To stay updated on these projects, follow us on all social media platforms, and check back for a link to our page dedicated to updates in the near future.