The City of Denton and Atmos Construction Projects
Starting in the summer of 2024, the City of Denton and Atmos will be starting several
long-term projects that will take place on streets surrounding campus:
The City is closing portions of Ave D, Chestnut, and Central Ave this summer, concluding
in August.
The City is closing a portion of Ave C to reconstruct the road, concluding in November.
Atmos is installing new gas lines along Welch St and areas to the east of Welch this
summer, concluding in 2025.
See below for updates to the UNT community during the lifetime of this project. Check
back regularly or follow us on social media. We are on Facebook, Instagram and X (Twitter).
If you need assistance finding alternate pedestrian routes for currently active construction
projects, please contact Facilities Work Control by calling 940-565-2700 or emailing
Note: the City of Denton owns all roads in and around campus. We alert our City partners
to make them aware of UNT activities, but their work must sometimes proceed during
our busy times. Please stay informed and have patience. All of this work will create
smooth, new roads for our campus. Read more details about ongoing construction on
the City of Denton's website.
News as of 2/6/2025 - Ave A
Ave A
Ave A will be completely closed starting February 7th through late March to install
new utilities and build a new roadway.
Lots 32 and 33 will be accessible via temporary entrances along Central Ave.
Please be aware that Maple is a ONE-WAY STREET, and you can only turn right when heading
south on the upper portion of Ave A.
News as of 1/29/2025 - Ave A, Ave D, Chestnut, Mulberry, Prairie, Union Circle, Welch
Welch St (various phases from Eagle Dr to Hickory St)
Current Phase: W Prairie to Chestnut
This block of Welch St is closed until the beginning of April as crews build a new
Current Phase: Mulberry to Hickory
This block of Welch St is closed until mid-May as work proceeds on new utilities and
a new roadway.
Future Phases
Chestnut to Mulberry - mid-February to late April
Eagle to Highland - tentatively April to June
Highland to W Prairie - tentatively July to September
Mulberry St (Welch to Bernard)
The street is closed while a new water and new sewer line are being installed, followed
by new road construction. Work is expected to last until June.
Ave A (from Eagle to Maple, including Maple St intersection)
Ave A will be completely closed starting February 14th through June to install new
utilities and build a new roadway.
We are working to find solutions to maintain access to Lots 32 and 33.
Ave D (from Mulberry to Chestnut) & Chestnut St (from Ave D to Ave C)
Portions of Ave D and Chestnut St will be completely closed starting May 14 through
August to build a new roadway.
Crews will be working hard to open the roadways before the start of the fall semester.
W Prairie St (from Welch to Bernard)
W Prairie will be completely closed starting March 25 through September to install
new utilities and build a new roadway.
Union Circle
All of Union Circle is scheduled to be completely closed and under construction starting
May 14 through November.
Work will take place to install new water lines, sewer lines, make repairs to some
of the sidewalks on the perimeter of the road, and build a new road.
Once the new road is opened, traffic flow will be reversed from what it currently
is. Instead of one-way going clockwise, traffic will flow one-way going counterclockwise,
entering from Chestnut and exiting on Prairie.
Coming in 2025...Ave D, Union Circle, Welch
Ave D (from Mulberry to Chestnut) & Chestnut St (from Ave D to Ave C)
Portions of Ave D and Chestnut St will be completely closed started May 14, 2025 through
August 2025 to build a new roadway.
Crews will be working hard to open the roadways before the start of the fall semester.
Union Circle
All of Union Circle is scheduled to be completely closed and under construction starting
May 14, 2025 through November 2025.
Work will take place to install new water lines, sewer lines, make repairs to some
of the sidewalks on the perimeter of the road, and build a new road.
Once the new road is opened, traffic flow will be reversed from what it currently
is. Instead of one-way going clockwise, traffic will flow one-way going counterclockwise,
entering from Chestnut and exiting on Prairie.
Welch St (various phases from Eagle Dr to Hickory St)
Sections of Welch St will be completely closed during the 2025 calendar year to build
a new roadway.
Specific phasing of which blocks will be under construction during the year is being
finalized and will be shared ASAP.
News as of 12/2/2024 - Ave C, Mulberry, Welch
Ave C (Highland to Eagle)
The asphalt road is done, but there is some work still left to finish at the Highland
and Eagle crosswalks.
Paint and striping are scheduled for Dec 5-6.
The brand new site will be turned over to us on or before Dec 12, just in time for
Welch St (Mulberry to Hickory)
The street is closed while a new water line is being installed – scheduled to be complete
by the end of the year.
Mulberry St (Welch to Bernard)
The street is closed while a new water and new sewer line are being installed. Work
is expected to last until March 2025.
News as of 11/13/2024 - Welch
Welch Street
Starting Wednesday, November 20th, Welch Street will be closed between Mulberry Street
and Hickory Street. This construction is expected to last for four weeks.
Pedestrians must use the south crosswalk at Mulberry to cross Welch, and the north
crosswalk at Hickory to cross Welch.
News as of 9/16/2024 - Avenue C, Welch
Ave C (Highland to Eagle)
Soil mixing and stabilization work continues this week.
The first layer of asphalt is scheduled for Monday, 9/23.
Concrete crews will arrive next week and start activities on repairing/replacing concrete
curbs and sidewalks
Crews will be focusing all attention on the western side of the job site so that pedestrian
sidewalks between Eagle and Highland St can be opened up sooner than later.
This Thursday, 9/19, the accessible pathway around Highland St is planned to change. The existing southern
crosswalk at Ave C & Highland St intersection will be closed for construction.
There will be temporary ramps on the east and west side of Ave C & Highland St intersection
providing a temporary accessible path to cross Highland St.
The new accessible pathway and traffic configuration is depicted in the map below.
The accessible pathway to get across Ave C will require pedestrians to cross Highland
St on either the east/west side of the intersection, then go across Ave C on the north
side of the intersection, and cross back.
For safety reasons, vehicular and bicycle traffic will be tapered down to one lane
going eastbound on Highland St approaching and crossing the intersection. Eastbound
traffic on Highland St will open back up to two lanes once across Ave C.
Welch St (Prairie to Chestnut, aka Union Circle block)
This Friday, 9/20, the closure of Welch St is scheduled to move north to the next phase of work between
Chestnut and Mulberry.
Welch will then be open from Eagle Dr to Chestnut St.
Pedestrians will only be able to get across Welch St at the Chestnut and Mulberry
intersections and not be able to cross at Sycamore St.
Vehicles will be detoured around using Bernard St.
News as of 9/13/2024 - Welch
Welch Street
Starting Friday, September 20th, Welch Street will be closed between Mulberry Street
and Chestnut Street. This construction is expected to last for four weeks.
Pedestrians must use the south crosswalks at Mulberry and Chestnut to cross Welch.
News as of 8/26/2024 - Ave C, Welch, Central
Ave C (Highland to Eagle)
Rough grading and preparation of the soil continues this week.
Next week, the first treatment of lime is scheduled. Only work crews should be in
the job site while this caustic and dangerous material is being handled.
Welch St (Prairie to Chestnut, aka Union Circle block)
It is likely that the water line installation will be complete this week.
Next, pressure testing and water quality tests will commence. City Water must approve
the tests before crews can move forward to the next phase of work, which is between
Chestnut to Mulberry.
If all goes well, it’s possible crews will be able to move to the next phase of work
around the week of Sept 9.
Central Ave (Highland to Maple)
The roadway is expected to be fully opened by the end of the day this Friday.
Concrete work on sidewalks continues this week.
Road striping and paint is scheduled for this Friday. Crews will direct traffic to
continue allowing vehicular access to the garage during this work.
News as of 8/21/2024 - Central Ave + HSPG
Central Ave
Highland Street Garage entrances are expected to be closed on Aug. 23 (Friday) to
allow the paving crews to complete work on both sides of the road.
If you are a faculty or staff member with a Highland Street Garage permit, please
use F/S parking lots during the closure.
If you are a student with a Highland Street Garage permit, please use Eagle parking
lots during the closure.
If you typically use the garage for daily parking or are a visitor, please use another
visitor parking lot or the ParkMobile app to find hourly parking on campus.
News as of 8/8/2024 - Welch St
Welch Street
Starting Friday, August 9th, Welch Street will be closed between Prairie Street and
Chestnut Street. This construction is expected to last for four weeks.
Traffic control barricades will be put in place on Friday, 8/9, to close the roadway.
Pedestrians must use crosswalks parallel from the construction site in order to cross
Welch Street.
News as of 8/6/2024 - Ave C
Ave C
Avenue C is fully blocked off to pedestrian and vehicle traffic from Eagle Drive to
Highland Street. Vehicles and pedestrians will not be able to cross the street at
Maple Street. See more information below for details about navigating Maple Street.
The City expects their work on Avenue C to conclude in December 2024 or January 2025.
UNT anticipates that Avenue C will be temporarily opened for fall 2024 commencement.
Due to the partial closure of Avenue C, Maple Street traffic will be diverted along
Avenue B. In the image above, note the barricade that will be in place preventing
westbound Maple Street traffic from going further than Avenue B.
Avenue B will be temporarily re-routed to be southbound traffic only (see blue arrows
on the map). Permit holders who park in Lot 23 and Lot 44 (the on-street parking)
will need to use Avenue A to access Maple Street and then go south on Avenue B to
access your parking area.
This will also block access to the Maple Street entrance to Lot 24. Lot 24 permit
holders - please use the Highland Street entry/exit point only.
News as of 7/22/2024 - Ave D, Central, Chestnut, Welch
Welch Street
Closure is now in place from Highland to Prairie, with traffic control in place
Central Avenue is the street where you will find the vehicle entrances to the Highland
Street Garage. The city is repaving that road, following some work that had to be
done in the area over the summer. The entrances remain open but the road is a bit
rough. The roadwork is expected to be complete by Sept. 3.
Highland Street Garage entrances are expected to be closed on Aug. 23 (Friday) to
allow the paving crews to complete work on both sides of the road.
If you are a faculty or staff member with a Highland Street Garage permit, please
use F/S parking lots during the closure.
If you are a student with a Highland Street Garage permit, please use Eagle parking
lots during the closure.
If you typically use the garage for daily parking or are a visitor, please use another
visitor parking lot or the ParkMobile app to find hourly parking on campus.
The Central Avenue roadwork is also blocking one entrance to Lot 36, which is just
east of the Highland Street Garage. The roadwork is expected to be complete by Sept.
3 and,once it is done, the entrance will be reopened.
Until the Central Avenue entrance is reopened please use the entrance along Maple
Street (accessible from Welch Street) as the main entry and exit point. The traffic
on Maple Street has been temporarily set as two-way traffic to accommodate this and
Eagle commuter street parking has been blocked to allow for this measure. These two
items are noted on the image above -- the yellow arrow shows the entry/exit point,
and the red X shows that street parking is temporarily removed.
When entering or exiting the lot as a pedestrian, the safest route is to use the northeast
corner of the lot since all other sidewalk areas are blocked. This is at the corner
of Highland Street and Welch Street, noted on the image above by a red circle.
Ave D + Chestnut
Anticipated to be fully done and road opened by Friday, August 2nd
News as of 5/13/2024 - Ave D, Central, Chestnut, Welch
This summer, major construction is taking place around campus, with the first major
road and sidewalk closures beginning Monday, June 3rd. All areas are anticipated to
reopen on Monday, August 12th. These closures will impact both vehicle and pedestrian
Central Ave between Highland and Maple (Welch + Central map above)
• A full road closure begins Tuesday, June 4. • The entire roadway is being reconstructed and some adjacent sidewalks are being
replaced. • We are currently working with the contractor on alternate entry/exit routes to
Highland St Parking Garage. • Vehicles will be able to access Lot 36 from Maple St. • Street parking on Maple St between Highland and Central will not be available.
Welch St between Eagle Dr and Highland St (Welch + Central map above)
• A new waterline is being installed in the roadway and some adjacent sidewalks
are being replaced.
Ave D from Chestnut to Mulberry; and Chestnut from Ave C to Ave D (Ave D + Chestnut
map above)
• Ave D will be closed from Chestnut to Mulberry, starting Monday, June 3. • Chestnut will be closed from Ave C to Ave D, starting Tuesday, June 4. • Multiple crews will be working at the same time to install new water and sewer
lines. Some adjacent sidewalks are being replaced. • UNT Lot 5 (next to Chestnut Hall) will be accessible from the driveway off Sycamore
St. • UNT Lot 4 (next to Chilton Hall) will be inaccessible for the duration of the
work. • Street parking will not be available.
If you need assistance finding alternate pedestrian routes for currently active construction
projects, please contact Facilities Work Control by calling 940-565-2700 or emailing
News as of 5/3/2024 - Overview
The following maps depict an overview of the areas affected by construction over the
coming years:
Map detailing multiple construction projects taking place from 2024-2026 on roads
around UNT's campus. Further details are provided below.
Welch Street is undergoing both utility work and roadwork that began in summer 2024
and is expected to be completed in spring 2026.
The work is being done in sections: From Eagle Drive to Highland Street; From Highland
Street to Prairie Street; From Prairie Street to Chestnut Street; From Chestnut Street
to Mulberry Street; From Mulberry Street to Hickory Street
Each section requires full road closure at that section only while the City completes
their work. The rest of Welch will remain open, with detours around the section undergoing
Utility work is partially complete, as work starting in early summer 2024. The utility
work is expected to continue north in sections through December 2024.
Once utility work is complete, the city will start back at their initial section (Eagle
to Highland) and begin work on road paving.
Several UNT buses use Welch Street to access their pick up/drop off locations along
Union Circle. Denton County Transportation Authority (DCTA) is aware of the detours
needed by this roadwork and has adjusted their schedules accordingly.
Please be aware that due to traffic conditions, there may still be delays for some
bus routes.
Lot 47 near the Welch Street complexes will be inaccessible while the city works on
the section of Welch from Prairie to Chestnut.
Map detailing multiple construction projects taking place on sidewalks around UNT's
campus. Further details are provided below, and will be updated on this page as they
become available.
Atmos will be installing new gas lines along Welch St and every side street east of
Welch over the summer. They City is requiring them to be done with all this before
They anticipate no road closures. All of the work will be off the road in the right-of-way,
potentially around sidewalks.
Various crosswalks and/or sidewalks may be closed during work. They agreed to provide
24 – 48 hour advance notice before they shut anything down so we can work on relaying
that information and they will maintain accessible detours.
The map shows the how they’re phasing the work (moving north to south through campus).
They’re working this week in Areas 2 & 3 (Bernard/Sycamore/Mulberry area). They’re
potholing to find existing utilities with new line installations starting soon.
Area 1 (Fry St area) will start after Commencement.
Area 4 – 10 will start after 1-3 are done.
Facilities works diligently to advocate for the university’s best interest, to minimize
negative impacts to our community, and to keep everyone informed as accurately and
quickly as possible.